We are glad to present you our the most perfect Shopify 2.0 theme, which supports Sections Everywhere with high metric scores by Google page speed insight. This is the most mobile-oriented theme that will be convenient on any of your devices.
General Features
- 3D Variants Ready
- Additional Product Options – new
- Advanced Faq
- Auto Renew Countdown
- Banners
- Banners Synchronized With Products
- Сaching Everything
- Cart Product Edit On The Fly – new
- Checkout Order Note
- Colorization
- Dark / Light Mode Toggler – new
- Extended Products Filter
- Extended Search
- Fonts
- Free Shipping
- Frequently Bought Together – new
- Images Aspect Ratio
- Infinite Blog Posts
- Infinite Collection Products
- Infinite Products On The Product Page
- Megamenu
- Mobile Convenient Interface
- Objects Image Hover
- Previous Next
- Product Subscriptions – new
- Product Options
- Quick Shop
- Quick Vendors Filter
- Recently Viewed Items – new
- Sections Blocks Sort
- Sections Everywhere
- Shipping Calculator – new
- Collection Sidebar Hide and Fixed Mode
- Sitemap
- Skins
- Sticky Add To Cart
- Subcollections – new
- Translated Admin Panel – new
- Theme Styles
- User Experience
- Wishlist
You can read more about available Lumia theme features in documentation.
Sections Everywhere Ready. Huge selection of section widgets:
- Banners
- Banners / Constructor
- Styles on the fly
- Banners / preset 1 (Cars ex. boxed 2×2)
- Banners / preset 2 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 2×1)
- Banners / preset 3 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 3×1 with white box)
- Banners / preset 4 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 4×1 with short white box)
- Banners / preset 5 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 2×1 with white box)
- Banners / preset 6 (Shoes ex. fullwidth 2×1)
- Banners / preset 7 (Toys ex. fullwidth 2×1+1×1)
- Banners / preset 8 (Toys ex. fullwidth 2×1)
- Banners / preset 9 (Bags ex. fullwidth mosaic 2+2)
- Banners / preset 10 (Electronics ex. mosaic 4×1)
- Banners / preset 11 (Pets ex. 4×1)
- Banners / preset 12 (Nutrition ex. fullwidth 3×1)
- Slideshow / Constructor
- Slideshow / preset 1 Classic Style 1
- Slideshow / preset 2 Classic Style 2
- Slideshow / preset 3 Fullheight style 1
- Slideshow / preset 4 Fullheight style 2
- Slideshow / preset 5 Boxed style 1
- Slideshow / preset 6 Ellipse
- Slideshow / preset 7 Ellipse Fullheight style 3
- Blog Posts
- Blog posts / Constructor
- Blog posts / preset 1 Default
- Blog posts / preset 2 Modern
- Blog posts / preset 3 Compact
- Brands
- Brands / constructor
- Brands / preset Default
- Brands / preset 1 (4×3 grid-carousel)
- Brands / preset 2 (6×1 carousel of circles)
- Brands / preset 3 (6×1 carousel of rectangles)
- Brands / preset 4 (6×1 carousel of bordered circles)
- Categories
- Categories / Constructor
- Styles on the fly
- Categories / preset Big
- Categories / preset Informative
- Categories / preset Title inner
- Categories / preset Title inner (rectangular)
- Categories / preset Title inner (rectangular) fluid
- Categories / preset Title under (4 in row)
- Categories / preset Title under (6 in row)
- Categories styled
- Categories With Subcategories
- Categories expanded
- Categories With Subcategories + Slider
- Chart
- Contact Us
- Contact Form / Constructor
- Contact Form / preset 1 Feedback form + Map
- Contact Form / preset 2 Map + Feedback form
- Contact Form / preset 3 Only Feedback form
- Contact Form / preset 4 Only Map
- Faq
- FAQ / Constructor
- FAQ / preset 1 Classic tabbed
- FAQ / preset 2 Full list
- FAQ / preset 3 Alternate
- FAQ / preset 4 Modern tabbed
- FAQ / preset 5 Modern full list
- Featured Product
- Product single / Constructor
- Product single / preset 1 Central image (Toys ex.)
- Product single / preset 1 Central image reversed (Toys ex.)
- Product single / preset 2 Side image (Bags ex.)
- Product single / preset 2 Side image reversed (Bags ex.)
- Gallery
- Icons With Text
- Icons / constructor
- Style on the fly
- Icons / preset 1 Horizontal
- Icons / preset 2 Vertical
- Icons / preset 1 Horizontal with backgroound
- Icons / preset 2 Vertical with backgroound
- Image With Text
- Text with image / constructor
- Text with image / preset Pets
- Text with image / preset Shoes
- Text with image / preset Toys
- Text with image / preset Cars in footer
- Text with image / preset Cars in header
- Text with image / preset image on the right
- Text with image / preset image on the left
- Instagram
- Instagram / Constructor
- Instagram / preset 1 Grid of circles
- Instagram / preset 2 Grid of squares
- Instagram / preset 3 Grid of squares
- Instagram / preset 4 Carousel of squares
- How to get Instagram access token
- Lookbook
- Lookbook / Constructor
- Lookbook/ preset 1 Fullwidth 3×1
- Lookbook/ preset 2 Boxed 2×2
- Lookbook/ preset 3 Boxed 3×1
- Lookbook/ preset 4 Fullwidth 4×2 no space
- Product Carousel With Tabs
- Product Carousel
- Products carousel / Constructor
- Products carousel / preset 1 Default
- Products carousel / preset 2 Small banner
- Products carousel / preset 3 Wide banner
- Products carousel / preset 4 Countdown
- Products carousel / preset 5 Compact heading
- Products carousel / preset 6 Carousel 2×1 with wide card
- Product Grid
- Products grid / Constructor
- Products grid / preset Default
- Products grid / preset 1 Fullwidth carousel of grids
- Products grid / preset 2 Mini
- Products grid / preset 3 Mini with banner
- Quote With Image
- Product reviews / constructor
- Product reviews / preset Toys
- Recently Viewed Items
- Product Reviews
- Product reviews / constructor
- Product reviews / preset Toys
- Testimonials
- Testimonials / Constructor
- Store testimonials / preset 1 Carousel
- Store testimonials / preset 2 Carousel with banner
- Social Media
- Video
- Youtube Video
- Vimeo Video
You can read more about Lumia theme sections in documentation.
Version 2.0.7 from 2023-07-31
- ADDED: Product inventory control - IMPROVED: Shipping calculator
Version 2.0.6 from 2023-07-24
- ADDED: Get help header popup in mobile view - IMPROVED: Recently viewed items section - enabled sold-out products - IMPROVED: Collection product grid per row selector - UPDATED: Cart item order
Version 2.0.5 from 2023-07-18
- ADDED: Megamenu - dropdown layout Columns - added option 2-5 per row - ADDED: Option to hide list mode in the collection products grid - IMPROVED: Product carousel section button description - IMPROVED: Contact map & form section - FIXED: Collection top featured filter on the all products page
Version 2.0.3 from 2023-07-14
- ADDED: Product page gallery cover mode - ADDED: Gmap and WhatsApp icons to Social media section - IMPROVED: Images quality for high store width - IMPROVED: Mobile catalog navigation - IMPROVED: Blog post sections - IMPROVED: Faq section - Modern layout - UPDATED: Shipping calculator currency to the latest requirements - FIXED: Price filter
Version 2.0.2 from 2023-07-03
- ADDED: Option to use original image width or custom width for product media zoom - ADDED: Option to check by default checkbox 'I agree to the store policies' - ADDED: Option to show currency information to quickly differentiate the currency sign, e.g. $ USD, $ COP, $ CAD, etc - IMPROVED: Header gets help popup - IMPROVED: Currencies that use comma decimals - IMPROVED: Google product structured data - IMPROVED: Product images quality for the fullwidth store on the collection page - CHANGED: Support icon in header settings popup
Version 2.0.1 from 2023-06-30
- ADDED: More sale ticker options - ADDED: Header get help popup option to enable/disable - ADDED: Custom mobile width for setting up when enabling 1 and 2 products cards per row - ADDED: Ready aspect ratio presets for product images: portrait, landscape, square, and custom (default is square) - IMPROVED: Product price output - IMPROVED: Collection layout - IMPROVED: Collection filter categories - added active status - IMPROVED: Banners link - FIXED: 3rd level in the navigation of section 'Categories tree + slider'
Version 2.0.0 from 2023-06-25
- ADDED: Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews app compatibility - ADDED: Self-hosted video section autoplay option - ADDED: Auto-selecting header settings icons - ADDED: Option to hide informative boxes icon+text in the bottom 'sticky add to cart on product page - ADDED: Option to set transparent product images in product cards - ADDED: Readmore buttons to all image + text sections - ADDED: Option enable/disable pjpg optimization for product images - ADDED: Latvian language support - ADDED: App Appstle℠ Loyalty & Rewards overlaps buttons theme style compatibility - ADDED: Auto mute in the video sections - Autoplaying videos only work if they are muted - ADDED: New header widget with contact information - ADDED: New settings for product cards - ADDED: Static shipping information in the header cart (if your country does not support Shopify shipping carriers) - ADDED: New categories sections - carousels - ADDED: Option to disable sections animated appearance on scroll - ADDED: Collection filter sidebar new block - categories (3 levels) - IMPROVED: Sortable product custom html block - IMPROVED: Megamenu boxed layout - IMPROVED: Video section 'shop now' button on mobile - IMPROVED: Canonical tags for Google Search Console - IMPROVED: Removed hover effect on touch screens in mobile phone - IMPROVED: Announcement bar sliding if a single announcement only - IMPROVED: Vendors limit in the megamenu dropdown - layout Boxed - FIXED: 'Add a note' localization
Version 1.2.9 from 2023-05-25
- ADDED: Video section option to show linked button - ADDED: Electronics slider autoplay - ADDED: Megamenu collection links quick view - ADDED: Sortable product page block 'Custom HTML' with global static content and dynamic source support - ADDED: Sortable product block 'Icons Info' - ADDED: Option to show linked button on video sections - ADDED: Show/Hide title option in sortable product block 'Short description' - IMPROVED: Single product section - IMPROVED: Color swatches - FIXED: Pinterest icon in social media
Version 1.2.8 from 2023-05-19
- FIXED: Theme Styles / Skin presets and Typography presets import
Version 1.2.7 from 2023-05-18
- ADDED: 3 layouts for prev next products - ADDED: Options to show the main product in frequently bought together products module - ADDED: Header 1st level navigation desktop/mobile font-size options - ADDED: SEO h1-h2 sections with only heading - IMPROVED: Product availability status - IMPROVED: Quick view on mobile - IMPROVED: Global products aspect ratio - IMPROVED: Product variant swatches - UPDATED: Documentation offline and online - FIXED: FBT list layout truncating titles
Version 1.2.6 from 2023-05-16
- ADDED: Limiting posts count in blog posts sections - ADDED: Option to use original youtube, Vimeo, and HTML video players without cover images - ADDED: Header cart items inventory notifications - ADDED: 3-5 columns options for boxed layout in megamenu - ADDED: Advanced product availability information - ADDED: Option to use default youtube and Vimeo and browser players without a cover image - IMPROVED: Variant's picker
Version 1.2.5 from 2023-05-10
- ADDED: Option to show sale badge and sale ticker globally and individually per product - IMPROVED: Wishlist and Recently Viewed Products - IMPROVED: Disabling add to cart in the product cart
Version 1.2.4 from 2023-05-09
- IMPROVED: Product swatches tooltip (now is shown only on image swatches hover) - IMPROVED: Rte content - IMPROVED: Product swatches tooltip - IMPROVED: Faq modern layout - IMPROVED: Product card when add to cart button is disabled - ADDED: Mobile header burger alignment (left and right) - ADDED: Option 'Hide add to cart button on the product page - ADDED: Different apps compatibility - FIXED: Theme Styles - FIXED: Memory overflow due to script countdown
Version 1.2.2 from 2023-05-03
- IMPROVED: Option hide quantity on product page - IMPROVED: Option "Hide out of stock items" on the collection page search popup - IMPROVED: Enable / Disable filtering on the product page - IMPROVED: Horizontal product card, if add to cart button, is disabled - IMPROVED: Section heading if the layout is 'left' alignment - ADDED: Reward app compatibility and others - ADDED: Products grid sections with center alignment
Version 1.2.1 from 2023-05-02
- ADDED: Sections heading font size option - ADDED: Options to hide quantity in the product card - ADDED: Product page hide quantity option - IMPROVED: Search popup product placeholders - IMPROVED: Recently purchased products popup - FIXED: Section products grid 'Per row' option - FIXED: Horizontal product card cover mode
Version 1.2.0 from 2023-05-01
- ADDED: Shopify apps jQuery noConflict - ADDED: Text + image section reverse option - IMPROVED: Shipping calculator - IMPROVED: Product card image quality on the screens with DPI 1.0 - IMPROVED: Google Fonts - IMPROVED: Login popup animation - IMPROVED: Richeditor content - IMPROVED: Typography options and theme style presets - UPDATED: Header-5 layout navigation 1st level uppercase for fixed mode
Version 1.1.9 from 2023-04-29
- ADDED: Self-hosted video in a slideshow - ADDED: Section Video Self-Hosted - ADDED: Theme Styles for badge ticker (in product cards) - ADDED: Theme Styles for section ticker - ADDED: Hide out-of-stock products option in the main section of the collection page - IMPROVED: Announcement bar - IMPROVED: Product reviews apps sync - IMPROVED: Product card cover enable/disable option - IMPROVED: Product card aspect ratio settings
Version 1.1.8 from 2023-04-25
- ADDED: Option disable min height for quick shop popup - ADDED: Option to select the custom icon for header settings block - ADDED: Product Cards Sale Ticker - ADDED: Section Ticker - IMPROVED: Rivyo Product Reviews & QA app compatibility
Version 1.1.7 from 2023-04-23
- IMPROVED: Catalog mode - IMPROVED: Product compare at price - ADDED: Option to hide some filter options from the collection filter sidebar - FIXED: Collection price filter
Version 1.1.6 from 2023-04-22
- Fixed Bags and Toys skin import
Version 1.1.5 from 2023-04-22
- Minor changes to slideshow presets
Version 1.1.4 from 2023-04-21
- ADDED: Newsletter popup animation - ADDED: Rivyo Product Reviews & QA app compatibility - IMPROVED: Product buy now button layout - IMPROVED: Quick search tags in search popup enabling/disabling - FIXED: Single(Featured) product sections - FIXED: Mobile bottom sticky on product page
Version 1.1.3 from 2023-04-20
- FIXED: Logo in header layout 2,3,4,5,6
Version 1.1.2 from 2023-04-19
- FIXED: Product main tab description
Version 1.1.1 from 2023-04-19
- ADDED: Copyright edit moved from file to theme settings - ADDED: Slideshow button link target="_blank" option - ADDED: Announcement-bar section target="_blank" option for links - IMPROVED: Mobile optimization for carousel with tabs - IMPROVED: Mobile optimization for carousel with tabs - IMPROVED: Products grid center alignment by default - FIXED: Wishlist prompt in the header cart when wishlist disabled - FIXED: Slideshow button custom text
Version 1.1.0 from 2023-04-18
- ADDED: Pickup enable/disable option - ADDED: Search popup option to disable start product carousel - ADDED: Logo desktop/mobile width option - IMPROVED: Slideshow autoplay control - FIXED: Sticky header login icon when Accounts are disabled in Shopify globally - FIXED: Wishlist disabling
Version 1.0.9 from 2023-04-14
- Minor rtl improvement for slider autoplay control
Version 1.0.8 from 2023-04-14
- ADDED: Category filter in megamenu catalog popup - ADDED: Banners slider autoplay - ADDED: Option sticky header always visible - ADDED: Collection products grid fullwidth option - Minor improvements
Version 1.0.6 from 2023-04-11
- ADDED: Header cart reservation - ADDED: Option to show at once checkout button in mobile header cart - ADDED: Fixed bottom button in mobile catalog popup - IMPROVED: Mobile header cart
Version 1.0.5 from 2023-04-09
- IMPROVED: Shopify Inbox app compatibility
Version 1.0.4 from 2023-04-07
- ADDED: 3rd part Apps blocks placement option on the product page - FIXED: APP sections width - FIXED: Theme verification on the 'Coming soon page' - ADDED: Categories section option auto equal height for cards - FIXED: language and country selectors were visible on mobile even if they were disabled globally - ADDED: Option to disable button 'Categories' in 'Header 2' layout - ADDED: Judge.me app compatibility - ADDED: Inbox app compatibility - ADDED: Other app compatibilities - IMPROVED: Quick View media gallery - FIXED: Minor issues
Version 1.0.3 from 2023-04-04
- IMPROVED: Shipping calculator form - ADDED: Settings drawer enable disable option - ADDED: Limit for infinite related products on the product page - FIXED: Product custom tab metafield with HTML content - FIXED: Price in header cart - UPDATED: Extended Instagram token api token for a longer time for theme demonstration of Instagram widget
Version 1.0.2 from 2023-04-01
- IMPROVED: Gray product page main image background was replaced with white by default
Version 1.0.1 from 2023-04-01
- FIXED: Product card old price format - FIXED: Product page 404
Version 1.0.0 from 2023-03-30
- Release
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.